Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hunks without trunks

Perched on the pier, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Hunks without trunks?

They maybe hunks but they do have trunks!

It seems that looking for 'hunks without trunks' on google images leads you very quickly to this blog, for some reason. It actually links in to a blog from 2006 from a swimwear contest in Bangkok as part of their gay pride celebrations.

So, what else attracts people to this blog? well, that one about Robbie Wiliams being gay is still bringing people in, though less now that Robie is married and is not so popular as he was before. Is Robbie married? Who is Robbie Williams?

And what about Rhianna being lesbian? I don't suppose she would be.

Anyway, we have 'Antonello da Messina' as a perennial favourite, Japanese Bird, footballers, horse mating, itaian people and eritrea as being quite common.

I would have prefererd it to be my wit drawing in the crowds. Anyway, I neglected the blog a bit last year, with the result that my monthly score of visits was down to around 4,500. Good to tell you though that with more effort from my side, we managed to get back up to 6.000 in January for the first time in over a year!

Thank you all very much for looking in and I will try to keep up with my postings.

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