Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Light coming through the roof

Light coming through the roof, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Back in Amsterdam today, after waking up at 5, catching a plane at 6.40, arriving at 8.30 and getting home at 10, so only five hours, totally relaxed and I had three seats to myself in the plane so I could continue my much needed sleep.

Back home, a busy day of work, which carried on until 8, but not before I got my hands on the new pair of secateurs (the old one seems to be lost) and going outside into the bright (and almost warm) February sunshine to prune the vine. A bit late but better now than in a month when, if the weather improves, the sap might start pulsing through the now-dead shoots.

Also managed to get a haircut with my local Syrian barber (whose name I always forget).

Now watchinh the first instalment of The Devil's Whore, based on the so-called true story of a certain Angelica during the reign of my favourite king, Charles I, of course! Having a telephone pause as an ex-colleague of Fred has phoned, giving me the time for thsi blog.

Why this photo? Well, it was taken during the very mild winter of 2008, on the very same day as today, 3rd February.


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