Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thank you, Macedonia

On the quayside, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Well, maybe someone from Paraguay will take a look!

Well, a big surprise this morning to find that we DID make it to 100 yesterday, even though at 11.30 when I went to bed, the counter was reading 99. It seems as if in that last half an hour we received a visitor from Macedonia, so THANK YOU, Macedonia! Sorry, I have never been to your country, so I will stick with this photo from Paraguay.

Shortly after receiving the visitor from Macedonia, we had one from Sudan, but it was already February, so will count towards that total.

Further, I was intrigued to look at more graphs from ShinyStat, which tell me what the average number of visitors is per hour. These range from 1.6% of visitors between 07.00 and 08.00 up to 6% between 18.00 and 19.00 as can be seen on this graph.

We also have a graph for the spread of visitors per day of the week, where the variation is much less, but which starts of with a peak on Monday, falling everyday until Saturday, then rising a bit on Sunday before a jump back up to Monday.

Both of these graphs seem to confirm my suspicions that many visitors to the blog do so during work hours, noticeably when the US starts to sign in, coinciding with an afternoon slack off in Europe. I have no idea really, but it is nice to fantasise.



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