Last hours in Madrid

Madrid - Charles squinting his eyes in the fierce sunlight in Retiro Park, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.
Just a quick note from Madrid before we meet up for our last beer/sangria and tapas in our favourite bar in Madrid after which we catch the flight back to Amsterdam.
It is a great fun city and probably best enjoyed by foillowing the rhythms of the locals which means going out and staying out late, getting up late and having an early evening snooze. I think we made the mistake in Andalucia of doing things far to early. Anyway, we both really like Madrid and despite all the photo fo glum looking people, it really is fun. We both certainly look forward to coming back againb.
Yesterday, it was coolish and cloudy and we walked around the monumental area, built by the Bourbon Kings, mostly Charles III. Lots of buildiongs decorated in a classical style with motifs of Greek Gods. Nothing remotely Christian!
After this a walk through some of the older barrios in town, along narrpw streets full of bars and closed shops, lots of Africans and a few Arabs, very coloiurful.
And now the time/money is running out so I better finish... can write more tomorrow and later in the week and I have another two weeks pf mphotos to upload as well! Not all of young men hanging aroujnd the metro station, either!
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