Friday, November 17, 2006

No photo

No photo, as it appears almost impossible to upload from flickr to blog. Maybe it is to do with changes in software or to the connections here. Anyway, I finally managed to uplaod the Phnom Penh photos, after a lot of trying. We have decided to leave PP tomorrow and make for the coast at Sihanhoukville as we were not having the best of fun here. Main problam has been our grotty room whereby we have no incentive to be there anyt longer than necessary. This means leaving in the morning and staying out all day and evening until bedtime, leaving the both of us quite tired, today, at least. Maybe a nicer place with sea breezes will revive us before we make it across to Vietnam or decide to go up country to Banlung and the Province of Rattankiri, as suggested by Uncle Malcolm. It seem sas if there is a direct bus, just started two days ago, making this journey and two chaps we met were very enthusiastic about their time up there in the jungle clad mountains. We'll see.

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