Monday, September 04, 2006

The first Sunday in September

Blijburg - sandstorm one, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Two festivals today - both on Blijburg - the first a children's theatre festival and the other a Dream Festival. They wanted 15 euro's entrance money for the latter and in the time I was there photographing the windsurfers there appeared to be more performers arrived than public.

The wind was very strong all day, a very warm and moist wind, although it did not actually rain. Ijburg is being built on sand and there is a lot of loose sand which meant frequent sandstorms coming our way.

Tomorrow we are promised more sun and for the first time since we have been back the percentage chance of sun for the coming days is higher than the percentage chance of rain. Hopefully, the good weather will hold for next week's festival - the Rode Loper festival in our neighbourhood.


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