Tuesday, August 29, 2006

100,000 visits on flickr

Well, after 411 days on flickr, the charlesfred site has today received its 100,000 visitor.

This is quite phenomenal, given that after six months we were up to 12,000, after a year to 59,000 and then in the last 43 days, another 41,000 visitors. This last number is due partly to all the photos from our holidays in Turkey, but also the World Cup photos and the photos from Blijburg, the beach in Amsterdam, taken in those hot hot days of early July. Two of these photos were particularly popular namely the two of the topless women which have chalked up 8,000 and 5,000 views each.

Anyway, here is one of the photos I like the most, taken towards sunset at the top of the Mount of Olives in Lalibela in the Wollo province of Ethiopia.


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