Monday, October 26, 2009


At Odessa Station, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Elián says:
What a jolly bunch!

Stuart-Lee says:
LOL at Elian's comment - but it's a great shot - it reminds me of people waiting for the bus in certain market towns in England, especially in the Fens, where I'm from!

CharlesFred says:
I think that many people from these parts have great patience and they have probably been perched here for a few hours. And apart from ogling the naval cadets milling around there would not be too much to entertain these women and put smiles on their faces...

CharlesFred says:
How long do you have to wait for a bus in the Fens. I remember growing up in England in the 1970's and almost never catching a bus (except for n London), as the gaps in the timetables were so great and they never seemed to come even when they were supposed to...

garethbee says:
what are they watching - a cadet? the lady with the purple hat seems to be enjoying herself.

CharlesFred says:
I have no idea - maybe just the comings and goings and I really DO hope that our friend with the purple hat IS enjoying the view of a cadet.

garethbee says:
she could just be holding onto her shopping underneath that coat..


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