Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Missed the station - forgot to stop!

So, after yesterday's delays on the train, today, I can repprt that not only did we haev a ten minute delay but that the train driver COMPLETELY FORGOT to stop at my station, Capelle Schollevaer. As we went past it he said ' Sorry' and then later told us that we would be allowed to get off at the next station and take the next train back. Fortunately, that train was running a 15 minute delay so we did not have to wait too long. Strangely enough, the sign at the Amstel Station listed EVERY station that the train was diue to stop at, including the new Holendrecht station but missed out on Capelle Schollevaer. A mistake, we all thought at the time, but the driver must have read it and taken it literally.

It was a long stressy day at the office gossiping about France and at least the train was (finally) on time, and quite quiet...


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