Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Sunday afternoon walk around Amsterdam

Over Het IJ
After a delicious dinner the previous night (only the carrots didn't work out too well as they stayed hard), it was a late-ish start to the day. A beautiful sunny day, thanks to a rare ridge of high pressure coming our way. We decided to take advantage of it by going for a walk around town, a typical, Fred, Charles and Henk activity.

Our walk took us up Linnaeusstraat, past Oosterpark, behing Artis, along the Calendar Panden, past Kadijk, up to Het IJ, in front of Centraal Station, behind again to Westerdok and Reaal Island, back along Brouwersgracht, Spuistraat, across to the Red Light District to Nieuewmarkt and straight back through Plantagebuurt. Excellent, sun shining all day, just a coolish wind, although a lot less brisk than the previous few days.

P.S. I will keep this slideshow on here, as it sort of illustrates the walk we made yesterday, but I find it altogether too busy. Great software, again, but I don't think I will be in a hurry to use it too often. Removed 19 January 2007.

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