Friday, January 12, 2007

Stuck in the desert

Assab-Obock - ten, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

It is odd just how vivid are the memories of the trip Fred and I made in Middle East and Africa; one can remember almost every day. It has been good to go through the photos of the two days we spent on the road in southern Eritrea on our way from Asmara to Assab, on the coast, to Obock in Djibouti on the Bay of Tadjoura.

One of the strangest thimgs was being held up twice by flooded rivers in the middle of the desert. This is a photo of the second time, where the waters were not only deep but very fast flowing, our driver only making the crossing after he had seen another vehicle making the crossing from the other side. The water had been released from dams in the highlands of Ethiopia, where there had been a lot of rain. We waited here for a good two hours, so little traffic there was, little did we know how painfully slow our progress would be for the rest of the day. Still, we were rewarded with some beautiful barren landscapes and vistas, as well as an unexpected night in Obock with the goats we had picked up along the way!

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