Saturday, November 11, 2006

Goodbye Siem Reap

Angkor Wat sunrise, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Here is how we started the day. Ending up now in town, eating fish amok, listening to loud Western music and watching Premier League football live, while drinking cheap draft Tiger Beer. Excellent! Just came back to internet to see if I could post a couple of blogs before leaving Siem Reap, and made it, just about.

Queen seems to be very popular here and we have heard Bohemian Rhapsody, Bicycle Race and now We Will Rock You on successive evenings. Poignant to think that at the time Bicycle Race was released in 1978 that the terror regime of Pol Pot was in full swing. Likewise Boney M's Rivers of Babylon.

Earlier in the evening we chanced upon a bar with exotic looking waiters which turned out to be a gay bar, here in Siem Reap, celebrating its 2nd anniversary. I had a caprinha, Richard a beer, while we chatted to a Singaporean chap, now living in the US, such are the wonders of globalisation!


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