Sunday, September 10, 2006

Something of Sophia about her

Something of Sophia about her, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Sophia Loren, that is... a young lady from yesterday's Nine Streets Festival fashion show. All the girls had too much black around the eyes. I know my sister Fiona could have done a much better job... and we will not talk about the clothes, alythough this outfit looked very pretty.

Another beautiful September day here today, even warmer than yesterday. Recovered from a very late night last night, took Angelo to the airport, recovered the two bicycles left in town last night because someone was too drunk to cycle home, sat out on the pavement with Henk, cleaned Fred's racing bike in the afternoon as Robbert and Linda could not make it over from Paris and then went out for a couple of beers and a rather disappointing meal with Howard and Hugo before coming back to watch Dalziel and Pascoe getting involved in some crooked dealings in the horse racing world. Off to bed now, feelong a little tired.


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