Off on travels again

Originally uploaded by CharlesFred.
Back in a land of blue skies, green fields, narrow streets full of pedestrians, cyclist, motorcyclists AND donkeys and the smell of donkets.
Monkeys;, berbers, snake char,ers, drummers, tasty barbecues and orange sellers in the main square.
The souks full of exotic spices, fresh mint, lether slippers, bright lanmpshades, colourful candles, ri=ugs and carpets.
Yes, back in the pink city of Marrakech. Here with my sister Fiona, who has a house here, loking either to rent it out or sell it or buy another one.
Last night we saw our friend Youssef and today made friends with another Youssef who is only 4 and who can kick a mean football. His Dad, Colin, would love him to play for Liverpool one day.
All is well here. The weather only got better a couple of days before we arrived, after much rain.
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