Where happiness lives

Where happiness lives
Originally uploaded by CharlesFred.
A quick blog to let you know that Fred and I are both well. We arrived in Addis Ababa this afternoon, as planned. The streets are empty after the last two days of violence but today it is quiet.
It is very sad for all Ethiopians to see their government attacking and killing their own people. A governemnt which everybiody hates and detests and which cheated in the June elections. A governemnt which has done nothing to make things better for Ethiopians.
The BBC talks about the 'Opposition' but there is no oppostion. Everybody is against the government. It is the people of Ethiopia.
The BBC also says that 'Mr Meles' EPRDF won a majority in polls but the opposition gained many seats', but this is not true. His party rigged the elections and cheated its own people.
Not content with picking a war with Eritrea it is starting another war with its own people. People like this chappie in the photo. They even killed a seven-year-old boy.
We are staying at our Holiday Hotel, which is near the airport. We will not go out unless we are sure it is safe. Our flight to Hargeisa leaves at 10.50 am on Saturday and we will be there for a week.
Labels: Ethiopia, Trip to Middle East and Africa
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