Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Introducing Robbert and Linda

Introducing Robbert and Linda, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Robbert and Linda are over from California and, all being well, they will come to visit us tomorrow, and with their two boys (Who we have never seen). I lost Robbert (a colleague who I had recruited in 1995) to Linda a few years later whne he fell in love =with her on one of his frequent trips to the head office in the US.

I used to see quite a lot of them when I had my job with my previous company, but have not been backsince I lot that job in 2005 and this is the first time they have brought the boys across to Europe, So thrilled to see them agaiun.

Linda's family have a ranch in the hills above Hopland in Mendocino County where her father (who is not so young) looks after horses as well as looks after a vineyard and makes his own wine, not to mention going out turkey or boar hunting.

Here we they are in the Russian River which flows through the hills just below Hopland.


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