Saturday, November 13, 2010

Back in Jeddah with Ahmed

Once again, Ahmed has been a wonderful host to me during my stay in Jeddah. Thank you so much, Ahmed!

I met Ahmed last time when I was in Jeddah, he having contacted me through flickr and we had a great time wandering the streets of Old Jeddah together (he had never been there before despite living in the city for three years already).

As chance would have it, work took me back to Saudi Arabia for another visit in November, where I had to spend a week in Riyadh helping the accountant there with a few important. Time then, for a couple of days down in Jeddah, to make a nice change from Riyadh.

Sure enough, we found ourselves wandering the same streets in Old Jeddah as before coming across some familiar faces along the way, as well as many new ones. Didn't have so much luck with the Somali children as they mostly sem to be with their mothers who discourage themn from having contact with strangers, even beating them if they come close!

A trip down to the Corniche was disappointing in that the hprses were no longer there and that gave the place the most of its fun, life and colour and I was hoping to see Ahmed on top of a horse. For a holiday season (Eid starts next week) it was all a bit empty and dead, typical for a city beach in Arabia, it seems. Women in black playing with their children on the swings or sitting around on beach carpets eating way at their picnices. Oh, and a few mne fishing. Hmmm....

Going back to Old Jeddah with photos which had been printed from earlier caused another near riot and I was glad to find everyone back who I had photographed earlier, including a Somali boy who had featured in some photos back in February. One begins to feel almost at home here. This Yemeni chap, who was actually seeling colourful blankets, not potato crisps, was one of the chaps we managed to find back.

A walk around Old Jeddah


Blogger Ahmed Beltaji said...

I'm very happy to see you again Charles, I had a terrible week before your visit, and seeing you again really made me feel better. It's always fun hanging around with you, seeing the happiness that shine from the people you print their photos and giving it back to them, giving money to somali kids, and watching you dealing with people using your charming arabic words, you are a wonderful man!

I wish to see you again soon, and hope then would be a way for Fred to get a visa as well.

15 November, 2010 16:47  
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