Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A real photograph

1991-1992 - a skating winter, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

I posted this on flickr a few days ago, a photo from the icy winter of 1991-1992 and received a few nice comments, one being that you cannot get this sort of detail with a digital camera.

I am not so sure and this IS a digitalised/scanned version of the original but it doed have some certain depth to it which is probably missing from the digital photos, howver bright and colourful and vivid they may be.

I became disappointed with film as so many of the photos were badly developed and printed as competition for lower prices led to the use of cheaper and worse chemicals. To this extent, digital was a welcome change.

However, there seems to be a movement or an undercurrent of people still hooked on film, often using a lo-fi Lomo camera or the such like and they seem to be obtain various effects and finishes which we are mssing from our digiytla pics.

The films these dys are brought in to be developed and scanned into a digital format from where the best can be chosen to be printed out, or published on a website.

Anyway, I am very proud of this photo.

Outside, the snow is still lyimg, the pavement in front of the house is white and paved with crunch snow. Many roads are clear and wet whilst ours is grey scrunchy ice/snow, which is much nicer than dirty puddles. It doesn't look like we will see much of the sun this week. Oh well, it IS winter and it will just make usall the happier when we DO eventually see the sun back. In the meantime, the evenings are getting noticeably lighter, the mornings still dark.

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