Saturday, January 03, 2009

Skating in Park Frankendael

Skating in Park Frankendael, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Having spent a couple of days sneezing and coughing and feeling below the weather since New Year's Eve, I felt a bit better today. Unfortunately the sun did not come out as promised but I still made it over to the local park with my skates to take some self-timed photos of me skating on the thick ice. Fred was still feeling low so stayed behind at home.

We watched the BBC's Line of Beauty on DVD in the evening, having borrowed it from Jon and Pieter. Another story of posh people living in expensive houses, as so often with costume dramas, but entertaining neverthless. On Friday night we skipped of Club Avond and stayed in to watch the Argentinean film Plata Quemada (Burnt Money) which turned out to be based on a true story from the 1960's about some bank robbers whose robbery went wring and had them killing policemen and had them running off to Uruguay. It was also a story of love between the two main characters, beautifully done.


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