And on the same trip, I tried to capture the finenes of the ice crystals formed by the previous night's frost.. I think this is my favourite.
Trip to Middle East and Africa 2005-2006 ... and what happened next
And on the same trip, I tried to capture the finenes of the ice crystals formed by the previous night's frost.. I think this is my favourite.
I gave myself some free time on Wednesday as there was building work going on in the office - where I will get a new south-facing office at the beginning of March - and because I was due to attend a conference call at midnight with some US colleagues. So, I took my bike out and tried to capture some of the colours of winter. I found none more than in the leaves of some ivy in a wood and here are the results.
A famous resident of Park Frankendael.. he arrives every winter and starts to attend to his nest, which was specially constructed for him on top of a chimney stack, above a children's playground.
Here we see that the ice is back on the lakes and ponds. The nights are not SO cold so there is not that much ice and not enough for skating, but it is still very attractive, especially under a sunny sky.
This is a view of one of the new-ish ponds which they constructed in our neighbouring park, Frankendael. Further, we have the Flevopark and the Oosterpark quite nearby.
We had some misty mornings this week, but the sun came through very early. This is the 8.00 train to Utrecht leaving the Amstel station about 5 minutes late. I catch the 8.03 but we usually have to wait until the delayed 8.00 rain has left before ours ciomes. This is fine because I invariably arrive on the platform a minute or two late anyway.
This is a nice big clean intercity train. we now have anarrower double decker train, whose windows are invariably dirty and where it is not possible to put my rucksack on the racks above the seats. It is a boit cramped for two stops before all the bankers get out at Amsterdam Bijlmer.
To celebrate the first songs of the neighbourhood blackbird this evening, we hereby present... an Egyptian goose - well it, too, has feathers. How wonderful to hear the call of the blackbird, we might not be half way through winter, but he tells us that spring is around the corner...
After two days of almost continuous rain, the weather finally got better on Saturday. It was a mild day with some sunshine and no wond. A prefect day to open the windows, tidy up the house and make a start on cleaning the garden of the fallen autumn leaves and everything else which had happened in the winter.
Att te back of the house, we see that the new council offices in what used to be called the Polderweggebied and what is now called Oostpoort are almost finished and that they have built a (very attractive) foot/cycle bridge across the canal. I had to get Fred out to have a look and have his photo taken.
Tuesady sees me going to the office in Rotterdam for a telephone meeting, then taking the train down to Antwerp for a meeting with the management there. Its a beautiful station there! A bit like a cathedral, a bit like a mosque.
I had never been to Den Bosch before. It is the capital of North Braboland, in the south of Holland, but only 80 ksm form Amsterdam.
There was a company personnels do at the Efteling, an attractiuon park, nto too far away from Den Bosch - just a 50 minute bus ride through the housing estates. It was cold, darkish and a bit wet. Not the best time of teh year to go, while on the invitation they had hoped for sun and nsow... must be the wrong country...
At least I had some time to take some photos of the station!
A trip to Antwerp at around this time last year ended up with me being pictured here. Today the Thalys will be taking me to Paris, but I believe all the snow has gone from there. A pity I am missing my friends I and P who are both on the early train out. I leave in the evening.
And yet, after such a cold night, we woke up to this: light snow followed by sunshine. So beautiful.
The decade is only nine years old, and we have really only had warm winters, but this one is colder and tonight, being the coldest night of this winter will be the coldest in Holland this century so far... However, the clouds have already rolled in from the west, to obscure the view of Venus in the southern sky. These clouds will keep the temperature up here in the west.
It ended up being minus 7.8 n Amsterdam and minus 20.8 near Weert in Limburg last night.
There has been a thaw since last night which has put about three cms of water on top of teh ice. It should rainnand sleet and maybe snow tonight, after which it will freeze again. Should be good to get all teh bubbles and scratches off the ice to make it perfect for skating again. Only thing is that we will be back at work...