Wednesday, April 30, 2008

And then there was the story of Ali..

camel man, Palmyra, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Well.... he said he was Ali, but he might be Mohammed instead... anyway, we thought we might see him again in Palmyra to give him the photos we had taken the last time.

We first found a gyuide who said he was Ali's neighbour and that he had been at the site the day before but not today. he then offered to guide us around and we told him we had had a tour three years ago and that we didn't need another on ethank you, to which he explained that there had been many archaeological discoveries in the past thre eyears.... yeah right...

Later on we ran into a group of xcamel riders who recognised Ali, told us his name was Mohammed and that he was no longer working as he had broken in leg in a motorbike accident... and then that his white camel had died.... how sad. Ali./Mohammed, we hope you get better soon.


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