Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Charles and Richard saying goodbye

Time to go, I am afraid. Richard has already lef, at least in a pink taxi to the airport, while I have anotherthree-and-a-half hours to wait for mine. I am still struggling with Gulf Air as the ******s have put me on a flight back to Amsterdam which is a good five hours after my previously scheduled and confirmed flight, meaning I lose my Wednesday at home and have to pay the earth to get a taxi with all my bags home, enough money to last two whole days out here. I cannot even send an e-mail back to the travel agent in Amsterdam who informed me of this because the set-up of wanadoo/orange says my e-mail is spam and refuses to send it. Unbelievable! Now trying to send through hotmail.

Time now to go and get away from the stress, vacate my room and go for a walk, maybe to the Royal Palace.



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