Sunday, June 25, 2006

A great Englishman

Captain James Cook, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Captain James Cook of Whitby in Yorkshire, a great Englishman.
Here a statue of him on The Mall in London.

Let us hope that the eleven Englishmen taking the field today, and hopefully three more times in this World Cup do great things for their country.

And let those thugs and hooligans who caused trouble yesterday spend their time in a darkened cell with no access to commentary.

It seems like we missed another exciting Argentina match last night, as they set themselves against a vigourous Mexican team. We were at a party at Kaap Kot, near Ijburg, enjoying a long warm evening, with clear skies, stars eventualy shining through as it started getting dark towards 11 o'olock. We were getting running commentary through sms from Rome, which added to the excitement. There are many ways of enjoying the World Cup.

This afternoon we will go into town to watch in a bar. Not sure about this evening with the Holland match. We usually go to friends' houses but no-one has really offered to entertain this time around. Too many parties recently!

Again, England are playing and again, the weather has made a turn for the worse. Was suppoed to be sunny and warm today, but is now cool and cloudy, with spatters of rain. Expected to be much hotter in Stuttgart though.


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