Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What are they doing?

Rural Rhodope, originally uploaded by CharlesFred.

Charles Roffey Is this really what 36% of the electorate voted for? And 'green' Liberal Democrats, where are you?
Plan to sell off nature reserves risks 'austerity countryside' | Politics | The Guardian
Sweeping cuts to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' budget challenge coalition's green credentials

Ozzie Francis Díaz-Duque Terrible state of affairs. Too bad I can't vote there.

Mark Turner Liberals are puppets of the axe swinging Tories. Seen it all in the 80's but people have short memories.

AAR Offensive to say the least. They are not acting very maturely. Going for short term benefits (that too doubtful) while ignoring the long term irreversible damage that this might cause.Sad.

Lynne Doy Have just got round to reading the paper. These cuts aren't going to be reversible in better times. Aren't tories supposed to like the countryside? The Lib Dems will never recover from this coalition.

Charles Roffey Is it too late, Lynne, for them to get out of the coalition before their name becomes ever more besmirched? I wonder who they think is going to buy up the land. French water companies, Russian oligarchs and Gulf/Saudi Arabs? Sure they have a long term interest in the survival of Britian's habitats...


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