Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hartjesdag 2010 - the spirit of Wizzard lingers

These one's had me remembering one of my favourite bands in the 1970's, namely Wizzard. Still very famous for their annual hit ' I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday', my favourite was 'Angel Fingers', which was Number One in the late summer of 1973, already 37 years ago. They appeared on Top Of The Pops and put on a typically quirky performance, which I can still well remember. However, it seems that some idiot from the BBC destroyed the tapes of this (and other) Top Of The Pops programme, so it no longer exists. This one does though! www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ddz-rRI16k&playnext=1&vi...

Good to see Roy Wood still having an influence on the young!

Having said that, I wonder how many people in 2047 will spontaneously remember what was Number One, theirty-seven years ago?

Who knows or even cares now?

(Oh, just checked withe the BBC, it is Eminem with Recovery)

Sorry, that was the album chart, Number One single is Flo-rida with Club Can't Handle Me - obviosuly destined to become a classic - www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgM3r8xKfGE

Not impressed - I much prefer this (from two years ago - our Kosovo holiday) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re2FQZK54oA


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